It is quite okay to make a lot of money! Money is the oil of life today. The more you make , the better you are able to do things. Mark you, I said ' make' not 'take' or 'steal'.
So, make the most of yourself - for yourself and for others. You can help others more by making the most of yourself. You make the most of yourself only by getting rich. So. it's perfectly al right and praise-worthy that you should give your first and best thoughts to the work of acquiring wealth.-Wallace D Wattles
You got to get rich, and you do not have to snatch it from another person. There is more than enough for everyone who wants wealth. It will never run out! Only desire it, only know in your heart, with a passion exactly how-much you want. -
You got to get rich, and you do not have to snatch it from another person. There is more than enough for everyone who wants wealth. It will never run out! Only desire it, only know in your heart, with a passion exactly how-much you want. -